I had schedule my appointment for my passport last Oct 28, but since i got into an argument with my friend the night before and got so worked up over it plus my lack of sleep, i just decided to reschedule it to Nov 4, which was last Friday. I went alone and so in order not to get lost i asked my mom for directions the night before and I also found some really helpful instructions over the net from metromaniladirections.com on how to get to DFA.
I woke up at around 4am even though the appointment isn't due til 3:00pm because i had to do some personal family stuff. So after attending to those 'family activities' i went back to sleep and didn't wake up til 12 in the afternoon when i heard my phone ringing. I was so shocked when i realized that i woke up so late that i might not get to dfa on time for the appointment! Its a Friday so i was expecting heavy traffic and not to mention that i'd be coming all the way from Fairview~! I was out of our house by 1 and rode a bus to dfa. Unfortunately the bus that i rode was awfully slow, being an air conditioned one (an ordinary wouldve been wayyy faster). I was so stressed whether i should just get down and ride the MRT instead or just stay on the bus and get my money's worth. I chose to stay on the bus and be depressed yet hope for the best. I reached DFA at 3:30 when i should've been at the venue at 3pm, 30 minutes late.. not bad i guess considering the fact that i thought i'd get there by around 7pm.. lol but still IM LATE! I asked the guard where the end of the line was and went there and sulked cause the people around me has appointment for 5 pm~ and i wasn't sure if the people inside would still entertain me since i was already so late. Fortunately there were some people who'd been there since 2:30 and they complained that the line was messed up and that other people who got there later than them got in already. So the guards arranged our lines according to the time of our appointment (YAY MOMENT!!), so instead of being at the end of the line i moved onto the one that's bound to go inside any moment! :D
I was inside the building in less than 5 minutes~ and btw the guy who verifies our application form is really cute~!! okay i didn't really need to mention that.. hihi.. *cough* again there was another cute guy while i was lining up, he was with his father and we just kept on staring at each other (okay that must've been my imagination.. lol) *cough* hmm anyway when i was eventually able to go to the processing area the guy on the other side told me that i had to have a photocopy for another ID because they wouldn't accept my postal one, so i just went outside and had my prc id copied (6php for 1 xerox! can you imagine.. a total rip off in my opinion!). When i went back inside all the other people who were with me in the line had already gone to the next step, so i just asked 'kuya' on where i was supposed to go next. He said that i was to go on to the second floor, so i went up the stairs nearby, later did i realize that those stairs were meant to be the exit! I had no idea cause the guard up there didn't stop me at all~ so after reaching the 2nd floor i was a bit surprised that there weren't much people, and the people who were with me on the line were nowhere in sight so i just i asked this guy on what seems to be the end of the line if it really was the end of the line. He said yes so i just sat there beside him, after about a minute he suddenly asked me 'Sa agency ka ba miss? (Are you from an agency?)' and since i wasn't i said no.. 'Bakit ka kukuha ng passport (Why are you getting a passport then?)' i told him that i might have the need for one soon that's why im getting one now. Then he told me that i was supposed to go to the other side of the room (where the entry really was supposed to be) because the line i was in is for a certain agency!! FML.. It was a bit disappointing but what happened actually a good thing cause the guy just gave me his ticket number for the step 3 since he wont be needing that anymore, took the ticket, thanked him and went to the other side of the room. After doing the step 2 i didn't take a ticket number for the step 3 anymore cause i already have the one given to me, and when i looked up the screen to see how far i was from the numbers being called i was seriously relieved when i found that there were less that 20 people between us~ :D After finishing with step 3 (didn't have the best picture though T___T curse my eyebags :/) went to the shipping section to pay for the delivery of my passport.. And you know what? I just realized that i finished earlier than those people who were with me in the line ♥ ! haha.. when i went down the exit stairs (im right this time xD) i saw the cute guy (the one with his father) again, then walked out of the building smiling~
There were ladies outside whose selling these passport covers and i decided to buy one because the ones sold over the net were really pricey, especially the Korean ones i liked, and these were like only 40php, really cheap i must say. I didn't know where i can ride my bus back home so i asked the woman who sold me the passport cover. I was to meet Twinkle after, but the traffic was soo heavy that i got there really late (somehow whatever i do i just always end up late). I still consider myself really lucky that day anyway.. (ノ´∀`)ノ

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