HOOOORAYY!! I finally got my license today~ lol.. i was really excited about it ever since i turned in my application form about a month ago. But then i guess my happiness of having it is bound to be short lived cause i just noticed an error on it, A BIG ONE! The date of my registration on the card is 2003 when its supposed to be 2011 instead! and this error would require me to go back to PRC, complain, have them do it again, wait for who knows how long and then comeback there and get it. Its just so annoying that i have to do everything again, they should give me sth for compensation cause they seriously just wasted all my time and effort.
Btw, in the second picture is the phone accessory thingy my friend who just came from SG gave me~ :D I actually specified that she give me a phone accessory as “pasalubong” cause i just love those stuff! I decided to put it on my other phone as it doesn’t have much accessories yet unlike my other one which is just soo heavy already. And it does suit my phone doesn’t it? lol.. ♥
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