Saturday, December 31, 2011

My luck in the year 2012! :)

I was born on January 18, 1990 and i had always believed that i was born in the year of the Horse ever since i was young.. but a few years back this old Chinese friend of my mom had told me that i was born in the year of the Snake instead. It didn't make sense to me until i realized that Chinese new year starts sometime on February so me being born on January still includes me as being born on the year of the snake. :)

Anyway, i research on my supposed luck as i do every start of the year. I don't think its bad to believe in this things more so if it predicted that i'll have an awesome upcoming year. I just wont let it get to me if the predictions are bad :). hehe.. I hid the various predictions i got from the internet under the cut because they were so LOOOONG xD.  I included the URL as well if anyone might want to check their fortunes in 2012 too :)).

For Snake, the difficulties of the year 2012 will seem not quite so pervasive - he can avoid sharp corners, and will calmly work in a planned manner, focusing on his own subtle intuition and natural wisdom. He cannot be mislead by a grand speech or tinsel glitter of carnival for he is used to seeing things from the inside, inside out, pinpointing the worthiest and most perspective ones among them. Snake will try to turn around all possibilities and problems in affairs for the maximum benefit for himself, and if this his activity will be active throughout the whole year of 2012, Snake will be the winner among all members of the zodiacal circle. 

In early 2012, the position of the planets is favorable for Snake's activities. But a representative of this zodiac sign, having reached some success in work, may make a mistake, significantly slowing down his operations, while stopping at what has already been achieved. Moving forward is the key to successful development of all Snake's affairs, so any stopping can indefinitely push aside the success. Snake's tendency to analyze, draw conclusions, and predict will be a good assistant in planning. In the spring of 2012, Snake's quiet activity may encounter adverse currents, caused by conflict at work, gossip and backstage intrigues. Snake must remain neutral so as not to be dragged into these unproductive and unnecessary squabbles. By the end of spring, Snake may get a proposal for a new position or work, and must strive to assert himself in the activities, rather than in interpersonal conflicts. In summer, when all other zodiac signs will be quite content with a quiet, smooth flow of affairs, Snake will have to meet the intense pace of work. Snake is a good strategist, he can select keys for all the necessary locks at work, but a representative of this zodiac sign is rather clumsy in relations with others, and may show indifference to them, reject their views or completely reject collective work. Snake's pedantry and over adherence to principles can ruin very promising projects that can be triumphant in a more conducive working atmosphere in a team. In the autumn of 2012, Snake will witness a quiet period when he can take stock and assess what has been done. Snake in the autumn can relax a bit. Efforts to strengthen partnerships will be effective during this period. 

Whatever the case, Snake's personal life is both his rear and a source of pride and well-protected haven of comfort and tranquility. Snake in the coming 2012 will be full of charm and charisma, he will easily find a mate - if, of course, he/she is interested in such a matter. A married Snake will receive during fall unexpected pleasant news from relatives. He/she will strengthen relationship with a partner, take care of loved ones and help everyone who needs help.

Funny thing: The Dragon and Rabbit are as different from one another as night and day, yet you're looking at your second year in a row with a 65 percent favorability rating. Count your blessings, Snake. There is a difference, though: Last year was probably more to your taste, but this one is more likely to result in greater success! Hopefully you charged your batteries and made some good plans while the Rabbit was in charge, because now you have ten good months in which to accomplish big things. Strike out in new directions. Be daring. Let yourself get swept up in the high-flying Dragon's enthusiasm.

You're not a huge fan of change, but this year could bring it anyway. After all, the Dragon's influence favors bold ideas and taking action. Is your career in need of a makeover? Are you considering a new line of work? Whatever the case, think long and hard about what you really want to do -- and how you'll get there. Things might not progress as quickly as you'd like, but a little perseverance can pay off. Sure, not all your attempts to try different things will work out, but it's important you make the effort anyway. A big shift might completely switch the direction of your work life, so be open to changing paths!

Your love life might seem demanding this year. The turning point that could hit your career may also shift your relationship into a new phase. The Dragon is a big fan of marriage and celebrations -- is it time to tie the knot? If so, it could be an exciting and busy time for you and your partner. If you're single, are you ready to mingle? It's up to you how your dating life will shake out. If you're willing to socialize more, things could very well pick up. Or maybe you'd rather retreat and work on yourself. Whichever path you choose, some big breakthroughs are bound to happen!

You'll have to take initiative with your health this year. Don't expect to feel great and look fantastic if you stop exercising and eating healthy. It may be time for a serious look at your habits. Make a conscious effort to get back into high gear. Join an exercise class or a team sports league. Your accomplishments in other areas could be compromised if you don't keep your health and fitness at a high enough level. Give yourself every possible advantage by taking good care of your body.

When it comes to your finances, you might see some modest gains this year. Did you hunker down and save during the year of the Rabbit? With so much happening this year, you might be tempted to jump into a get-rich-quick scheme or board an international flight or two. Instead, you'll want to stop, think and strategize. Keep your guard up when it comes to your money and who you're dealing with. The Dragon can favor irrational behavior, so resist those impulses until you've thoroughly thought them through. You can certainly come out ahead with a little planning and conservative financial behavior.

The Snake
Intelligent and highly intuitive are two of the Snake’s many fine qualities. He makes an amusing and romantic friend with a definite flirtatious streak. When challenged or criticized he can be a sore loser. The Chinese Zodiac Snake is very lucky with money and is fond of the odd bet or two. He is quick-witted and enjoys reading, music and occasionally the paranormal side of life.
Forecast for 2012 2011 will end on a busy note for most Snakes, both socially and on the home front. The Year of the Dragon will be a significant 12 months for those born under this sign providing they concentrate on their goals and priorities. Dragon years can seem a bit flamboyant and hectic for the more serious Snake. However, by being flexible and willing to experience new challenges, this can be a tremendous year on all fronts. It is important for the Snake to network and build relationships in his career as this will prove important in his own upcoming year in 2013. The summer months and November will offer up interesting and important career developments. The Snakes pay packet may increase in 2012, but he must take care not to overspend. All Snakes should take extra care ensuring their possessions are safe and secure this year. Also, they need to double-check any agreements or contracts they enter into. Romantically and socially, this will be a quiet, calm year. March, August and October will be particularly enjoyable for the Snake. A word of warning: gossip may be a factor for the Snake this year and it’s important he stops it in its tracks before damage is done. In general, the Chinese Zodiac horoscope in 2012 signals that this can be a very important year for the Snake, as long as he remains aware, flexible and approachable.

Interesting Snake Facts
Zodiac Stone: Opal
Special Flower: Passionflower
Best Hours: 9-11 am
Season: Spring
Horoscope Colors: Brown Gold, Green


The Snake will have a good year with only a few little hiccups. There are plenty of opportunities where success can be attained but hard work and discipline is expected on the part of the Snake.
·         Use your natural foresight and intelligence and do not let success blind you to the correct path.
·         Due to the influence of distractions, the Snake needs to focus on tasks in hand. Do not rush into decisions without thinking them through.
·         Although your year will be good you will still need to work hard although not too hard as this can come at a price, please take time to relax and try and do some exercise like Tai Chi etc, your mind and body will need looking after in 2012 and you may even be looking at changing your career path so expect some unusual feelings of changing direction.
·         Those settled in their career may be given the opportunity to advance in their work place through the form of working closely with people in higher positions and should take this chance if they are happy with it.
·         This will be a busy year and whilst all should go well with career and finance you can overlook partner’s needs, so make sure you make time for loved ones whether it is your wife, boyfriend, Mother, Sister or best friend.
·         A good year for finances and investments but make sure you read the small print as the annual stars suggest legal issues and back stabbing so be careful.
·         Make sure you leave time for yourself and try to relax more as stress can be an issue and you may feel down at times, whatever is on your mind right now it WILL pass.
·         Be sure to keep an eye on your diet in 2012 and be sure to get plenty of exercise as Snakes can become lazy this year if they do not keep an eye on their personal health.
·         Take extra care with investments this year and whilst money luck is strong you should be careful with stocks and shares or any other form of investment gambling, do not invest more than you can afford to lose and make sure all documents are checked over many times before signing, you have risk of a fraud attempt on you.
·         Enjoy 2012 and make hay while the sun shines and don’t worry about the decisions you have to make they will be resolved soon and try and take up some tai chi-meditation or similar to stop that chitter chatter that goes on in your head.
·         You are in affinity with the Monkey. For your protection, you should have a key chain pendant of a Monkey.

I guess like in the past years that i had, i also have good predictions this year as well :) I shall work my hardest and reap everything in 2013~ <3 Happy new year everyone! Let's start our year right!

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